Saturday, July 27, 2024
Designing New Possibilities for Your Home and How You Live ™

real estate market

real estate saftety tips

5 Real Estate Safety Tips to Protect your Family

One of the unpleasant realities of selling your home on the real estate market is that you’ll have to put up with strangers going through every room and opening every closet. They’ll even look in your medicine cabinet! It’s all fair game, since you are trying to sell your house and prospective buyers have the […]

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Rental furniture for home staging adds to what you currently have

When it’s time to put the house you are living in onto the real estate market, it becomes a product. Rather than suggesting all new furniture in a resale home, a good home stager will try and work with what you already have in new and better ways when staging your home. Sometimes though, it’s […]

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Too Much Clutter Hides Room’s Purpose

Not everyone lives in a home the way they would like others to see it when it’s time to sell. My clients realize that in order to sell their homes more quickly and for more money they have to turn it into a product that will appeal to potential buyers. In this house the family […]

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5 Reasons Empty Rooms Are a Bad Idea When Selling Your House

Whether you’re a builder about to list a spec home, an investor ready to sell your vacant property, or a home seller who is living in a house with empty rooms and you’re wondering whether to furnish them before listing your house, this article is for you. If you are hoping to sell the home […]

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