Saturday, January 18, 2025
Designing New Possibilities for Your Home and How You Live ™

Tricia Guild on Color

by Debra Gould
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Tricia Guild on ColorTricia Guild on Color:
Decoration, Furnishing, Display
by Tricia Guild

ISBN: 0847818772

While Color Palettes is serene, Tricia Guild on Color is bold. Based in England, designer Tricia Guild is famous for her ability to mix color and pattern. Her company produces fabric, wallpaper and home furnishings.

In 200 color photographs she inspires us to go beyond safe, but often dreary, color choices. Her glorious palettes explore the fuller potential of color to lend energy and warmth to an interior. She explores ways of combining and contrasting shades and shows how light, scale and proportion can affect color values. The incredible pictures alone are worth the price of this book!

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